
Milestone-based Agreement vs. Time & Materials – Which Should You Use For Your Contractors?

When it comes to hiring tech contractors, it's important to carefully consider the payment and structuring agreements involved. Milestone-based agreements and Time & Materials contracts are two popular options, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Understanding the differences between the two can help you determine which is the best choice for your business.

Todays contributor's

Jamie Kehoe

Growth Marketing Manager

Key highlights:

What are Milestone-based Agreements on a Tech Freelancer Contract?

Milestones are dates identified in the contract by which the contractor must complete certain critical activities to advance a project.

Milestones are key points in a project where the client can assess the contractor’s progress and determine whether the project is on track. They are usually defined in the contract between the client and your company. Common examples of milestones are completion of a prototype, submission of a completed project, or launch of a finished product.

The client usually pays for these milestones as they are reached. This type of billing is called milestone billing.

When to use Milestone-based Agreements:

Benefits of Milestone-based Agreements:

What are Time & Material Based Agreements on a Tech Freelancer Contract?

Time & Material Agreements (T&M) presuppose billing clients for actual work scope based on hourly rates of labour. You, as a client, will be charged for the amount of hours spent on a specific project, plus costs of materials.

When to use T&M price contract:

Advantages of Time & Material Based Agreements

Audit Your Contractor Base to Determine the Payment Structure for your Business

When it comes to understanding the various ins and outs of working with contractors, it’s a good idea to draft in some help from those who work with contractors every day. At Evolution, we provide compliance and risk services for our client who hire contractors across 4 key areas:

How we Helped Klarna stay Compliant while they Scaled

To handle the key processes of compliance for hired freelance staff, Evolution provide 4 key areas of payroll and compliance services for Klarna:

The aspect of our service that Klarna has benefitted from the most has been our audit of their current contractor base and their overseas contractor base – to see where they can payroll compliantly.

Read more about our work with Klarna here.

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