
Evo DK #107- Working with Distributed Teams – What is Best Practice

Meet the speakers

Darshana Peiris

Tech Lead At Maersk

Huba Albu

Engineering Manager At Maersk

Mick Nøbbe Højdahl

Director of Engineering & Technology At Abacus Medicine

Christian Hajdu

Senior Engineering Manager

Today's host

Sam Williamson

Join host Sam Williamson on Evo DK #107 to explore “Working with Distributed Teams – What is Best Practice.” Learn from industry experts Darshana Peiris, Tech Lead at Maersk, Huba Albu, Engineering Manager at Maersk, Mick Nøbbe Højdahl, Director of Engineering & Technology at Abacus Medicine, and Christian Hajdu, Senior Engineering Manager. Gain valuable insights into the best practices for effective collaboration in distributed teams, drawing on the experiences and expertise of these professionals from Maersk, Abacus Medicine, and more.

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