
Evo DK #183 – Working With Remote And Multi-Cultural Teams

Meet the speakers

Asif Nadeem Anjum

Senior Engineering Manager At SimCorp

Ondrej B.

Engineering Manager At Glassnode

Maurizio Piccini

Platform Product Manager At FOSS IQX

Today's host

Connor Leyland

Join host Connor Leyland as he explores the dynamics of working with remote and multi-cultural teams. Asif Nadeem Anjum, Senior Engineering Manager at SimCorp, shares insights on managing remote engineering teams. Ondrej B., Engineering Manager at Glassnode, discusses the challenges and benefits of multi-cultural team collaboration. Maurizio Piccini, Platform Product Manager at FOSS IQX, delves into the nuances of virtual team leadership. Discover strategies for effective remote work and fostering cultural diversity in your team.

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