
Evo DK #105 – Developers Productivity and Performance Metrics

Meet the speakers

Steffen Balslev

Engineering Manager At Microsoft

Cristina Stan

Director of Engineering At Issuu

Juan Hernandez

Engineering Manager At Awaze

Today's host

Connor Leyland

In Evo DK #105, host Connor Leyland explores “Developers Productivity and Performance Metrics” with industry leaders Steffen Balslev, Engineering Manager at Microsoft, Cristina Stan, Director of Engineering at Issuu, and Juan Hernandez, Engineering Manager at Awaze. Dive into the world of developer productivity as these experts share insights into performance metrics, strategies, and best practices. Gain valuable perspectives on optimizing development processes and fostering a high-performance culture. Join the conversation to enhance your understanding of the key factors driving developers’ productivity in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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