Want to improve your workplace performance? Solution: Make work fun!
While this may seem counter-intuitive, a fun workplace can keep stress levels down, and reduce burnout and absenteeism rates. It’s possible to be successful while still having lots of fun – companies such as Google, LinkedIn and Zappos have all done it.
As Dale Carnegie aptly put it, “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” So, check out these 10 simple ways to inject fun into your workplace. We’ve tried and tested them out, and they work!
Make celebrating holidays part of your company’s tradition. We celebrate festivals such as Hari Raya, Deepavali, National Day and Christmas in our Singapore office. It improves employee morale and motivation.
We end every Friday with Beer O’clock. It’s a great way to wrap up a busy week and wind up for the weekend, not to mention beat the Singapore heat.
Food makes people happy, especially chocolates. Chocolates have been scientifically proven to release endorphins into the brain, and endorphins are known to decrease levels of stress and pain. Do also include fresh fruits for that healthy source of vitamins and minerals.
Bring everyone out for physical activity once in a while. It isn’t just good for health; it’s also a great way to get everyone having fun and forming relationships outside of work that could inspire collaboration back at the office.
We had a dress-up contest recently and dressed our bosses up in sarees. Everyone had lots of fun!
We use our foosball and ping pong tables frequently. It’s a great way to break away from our work desks and we always go back feeling refreshed.
I know of companies with under-utilised foosball tables. The way to get around this may be to start friendly tournaments (which may include small prizes) and get staff excited about using it.
At our office, we tune in to radio channel FM98.7 all day. It plays the latest hits and gets us moving to the tunes while working.
Don’t just have gatherings in meeting rooms. People tend to stiffen up in a formal setting. When the occasion calls for a relaxing and fun setting, have it at the lounge area!
We have a “Wall of Frames” (our version of Wall of Fame) where everyone’s recognised for their efforts. It doesn’t just make us feel appreciated; seeing our photos on the wall also makes the office feels more homely.
My colleagues perform a cheer whenever they close a deal. It’s fun and always sets everyone laughing for a long time.