
Evo Nordics #524 – Privacy And Security – Friends, Not Foes

Meet the speakers

Jiri Lacombe-Jelinek

DPO At Epidemic Sound

Marcus Sodervall

Head of Security & DPO At Stravito

Achin Chetal

Information Security Manager At Billhop

Sabina Johansson

IT Onsite Technician

Today's host

Abi Stokes

Join host Abi Stokes as she explores the synergy between privacy and security with industry experts. Jiri Lacombe-Jelinek from Epidemic Sound, Marcus Sodervall from Stravito, Achin Chetal from Billhop, and Sabina Johansson share their insights into data protection and cybersecurity. Discover how these leaders manage privacy and security challenges, ensuring robust data governance and compliance with evolving regulations. This episode provides valuable perspectives on maintaining security without compromising privacy in the digital age.

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