
Evo Nordics #484 – Data Ethics And Responsible Ai

Meet the speakers

Dr Irina Mirkina

Innovation Manager - Al Lead At UNICEF

Carlos De La Cruz

Senior Data Scientist At Stora Enso

Rocío Bachmaier

CEO At Atlan Insights

Today's host

Waheed Najimi

Join host Waheed Najimi in a thought-provoking discussion on data ethics and responsible AI with experts in the field. Dr. Irina Mirkina, Innovation Manager at UNICEF’s Al Lead, Carlos De La Cruz, Senior Data Scientist at Stora Enso, and Rocío Bachmaier, CEO of Atlan Insights, share insights on ethical data practices, AI governance, and the importance of responsible AI development. Tune in to explore the ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence and its impact on society.

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