
Evo Gaming #180 – What Are The Expectations From QA

Meet the speakers

Joseph Gardener

QA Lead At Paradox Interactive

Christopher Widell

QC Manager At Massive Entertainment

Sehar Fatima

Quality Assurance Manager At Kolibri Games

Today's host

Heather Nicholls

Heather Nicholls hosts Episode 180 of Evo Gaming, diving deep into the world of quality assurance in gaming. Joining her are industry experts Joseph Gardener, QA Lead at Paradox Interactive; Christopher Widell, QC Manager at Massive Entertainment; and Sehar Fatima, Quality Assurance Manager at Kolibri Games. They discuss the expectations and challenges QA faces in the dynamic gaming landscape. Discover insights into ensuring top-notch game quality. Tune in to explore the evolving gaming industry and its rigorous quality standards.

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