
Evo DK #164 – Cloud Vs. Data Centres – Unveiling The Future Of Digital Infrastructure

Meet the speakers

Jyotirmoy Saha

Cloud Engineer At Nuuday

Ronni Laursen

Director At Bankdata

Rasmus Wihlborg Jelsgaard

Senior Director of Software Engineering At Uneeg Medical

Today's host

Jake Stamp

Join host Jake Stamp in an insightful discussion on the future of digital infrastructure with industry experts. Jyotirmoy Saha, Cloud Engineer at Nuuday, Ronni Laursen, Director at Bankdata, and Rasmus Wihlborg Jelsgaard, Senior Director of Software Engineering at Uneeg Medical, delve into the evolving landscape of cloud computing versus traditional data centers. Gain valuable insights into how cloud technology and data centers shape the IT infrastructure, driving digital transformation and innovation in today’s tech-savvy world.

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