• Articles
  • February 17, 2021
  • Gareth Morris

Async Programming in JS


I've been working with JavaScript, in one form or another, since about 1997. Back then a mouse rollover was impressive; 20 years later and JS has reached critical mass, with browser vendors competing to create the best (fastest, least battery usage, whatever) implementations they can. Node.js gives us JS on the server.  Progressive Web Apps lets JS compete with native code on mobile (the success of that is something for another blog post).

Today I want to write about one of the new features in JS that makes it so much easier to write complex applications with it. Something that lets us do more with less code.

JS is single threaded. Well, it isn't (there are lots of events that will run in parallel and that list varies by browser) but it doesn't give you control. There are multiple threads, but you don't get to pick how to use them. The same code might thread differently across browsers, or even in the same browser depending on what's happening at the time.

Callback Events

What you will have coded is asynchronous events, lots and lots of events. Timer events, user interaction events, call back events, you name it. What we're interested in here are the events where you ask for something, and then want to carry out an action against the result when (or if) you get it.

I'm going to pick a common use case: AJAX. I'm going to start with a really basic callback implementation:

/** Simple callback XMLHttpRequest */
function ajaxCallback(url, onSuccess, onFail) {
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    request.addEventListener('load', function () {
        if (request.status >= 200 &&
            request.status < 300) {
            var json = JSON.parse(request.response);
    request.addEventListener('error', function () {

    request.open('GET', url);

    function (resultData) {
        // Do something on success
    function (err) {
        // Log an error

Yes, I realise that your preferred library name here has a much more complete/stable/whatever AJAX implementation. I'm not recommending this, it's just a really simple example (not intended for production, it only handles HTTP GET requests and JSON results).

You provide a function to call if successful, and that function continues from where you left off. This is fine; it works consistently in lots of browsers; everybody understands what it's doing.

However, it gets messy fast as soon as you have multiple asynchronous actions. Branching logic is even nastier. With two AJAX actions, you can nest them (with the first callback starting the second) or run them concurrently (in which case you need to deal with recording the completion states of both, in whatever order they return). With three actions it's more complicated still.

For instance, suppose we want to:

  • AJAX in a list
  • AJAX data for each item in that list
  • Sort the results
  • Finally do something with the results

(This really should be reduced into fewer requests. It's just an example with both sequential and parallel asynchronous actions – feel free to pick your own.)

function logError(err) { ... }

function finalCallback(items) {
    // Do something with the complete list

function doTheThing() {
    // AJAX get the list
        function (resultData) {
            // When that completes get the expected number of items
            var itemLimit = resultData.items.length;

            // For each item make a new AJAX call
            var retrievedItems = [];

            // We need to track errors that may or may not have fired in a callback
            var errored = false;
            for(var i in resultData.items) {
                    break; // Error already fired before loop completed

                var itemid = resultData.items[i];
                ajaxCallback('yourApi/getitem/' + itemid,
                    function (item) {
                            return; // Error fired by another async return


                        // Have all the callbacks finished then?
                        if(retrievedItems.length === itemLimit) {
                            // We've now added all the expected results, so sort
                            var sorted = retrievedItems.sort(comparer);
                            try {
                                // Call the final callback
                            catch(ex) {
                                // We have an error in finalCallback
                    function (err) {
                        // We have to wrap our error logger

                        // Set an error flag or we'll never finish
                        errored = true;

This is messy, almost certainly has some corner cases on errors (and generally unpleasant error handling), and is tough to maintain. It also smells bad – that deeply nested finalCallback really should sit outside of this tree, errors handled at each level is duplication at best, and so on. Come back to this six months later to add another asynchronous action (say IndexedDB local caching) and you have to unpick the whole tree of callbacks.

Actually, let's do that, just for fun (feel free to scroll on to the next section about Promises):

function logIndexedDBError(evt) {
    // Get the useful error message out of the event object

function setUpObjectStores(evt) {
    // Upgrade the IndexedDB instance to the latest version
    // I really should check for the version and only add the specific missing stores 
    evt.currentTarget.result.createObjectStore('results', { keyPath: 'id' });

function getIndexedDBStore(storeName, openedStore, write) {
    // Open the DB, with a callback - note that older browsers may call this something else
    var dbRequest = indexedDB.open('my-cache', 1);
    dbRequest.onerror = logIndexedDBError;
    dbRequest.onupgradeneeded = setUpObjectStores;
    // Theres also dbRequest.onblocked, but let's leave that for now

    // This fires once the DB has opened
    dbRequest.onsuccess = function(evt) {
        var db = evt.target.result;
        db.onerror = logIndexedDBError;
        // Open a transaction for the store, then open the store from that
        var transaction = db.transaction(storeName, write ? 'readwrite' : 'readonly');
        transaction.onerror = logIndexedDBError;
        var objectStore = transaction.objectStore(storeName);

function getCache(id, onDone) {
    // Try and get the value from the results cache, and always fire onDone(id) 
    // so the next callback knows which ID we were trying to get.
    getIndexedDBStore('results', function(objectStore) {
        var storeRequest = objectStore.get(id);
        storeRequest.onerror = function(evt) { 
            onDone(id); // Still fire something to let the caller know we're done
        storeRequest.onsuccess = function(evt) { 
            onDone(id, evt.target.result);
    }, false);

function setCache(item) {
    // Fire and forget to set the cache, because this example is complicated enough
    getIndexedDBStore('results', function(objectStore) {
        var storeRequest = objectStore.put(item);
        storeRequest.onerror = logIndexedDBError;
    }, true);

OK, that's already pretty horrible. Loads of the error handling is missing, upgrades aren't handled correctly, blocking isn't handled, older browsers aren't handled, the save method is fire and forget, and low level exceptions will cause the top level callbacks to not be called. IndexedDB isn't the most user friendly. However, let's go with it, just for this example:

function doTheThing() {
    // AJAX get the list
        function (resultData) {
            // When that completes get the expected number of items
            var itemLimit = resultData.items.length;

            // For each item make a new AJAX call
            var retrievedItems = [];

            // We need to track errors that may or may not have fired in a callback
            var errored = false;
            for(var i in resultData.items) {
                    break; // Error already fired before loop completed

                // Oh the joys of var in JS, by the time getCache fires its callback
                // this variable will hold an ID from later in the loop
                var itemid = resultData.items[i];

                getCache(itemid, function(callbackid, cacheItem) {
                    if(cacheItem) {
                        // Duplicate this block, but for the item from the cache
                        if(retrievedItems.length === itemLimit) {
                            var sorted = retrievedItems.sort(comparer);
                            try {
                            catch(ex) {


                    // Not in the cache, so nest an AJAX callback in our IndexedDB callback
                    // Use callbackid, echoed from getCache(), rather than itemid
                    ajaxCallback('yourApi/getitem/' + callbackid,
                        function (item) {
                                return; // Error fired by another async return

                            // Really we should make sure this completes, but that's ANOTHER callback!


                            // Have all the callbacks finished then?
                            if(retrievedItems.length === itemLimit) {
                                // We've now added all the expected results, so sort
                                var sorted = retrievedItems.sort(comparer);
                                try {
                                    // Call the final callback
                                catch(ex) {
                                    // We have an error in finalCallback
                        function (err) {
                            // We have to wrap our error logger

                            // Set an error flag or we'll never finish
                            errored = true;

Urg. I feel ill just looking at that block. There are things I could do – refactor this out, add smart wrapper objects and clean up the duplicated code and such like. They all require significant rewrites and more complicated code.

I was wrong: that wasn't fun at all.

Another awkward issue with callbacks is that in some cases the event may have already fired before you subscribe to it – then, in addition to your event callback functions you need yet more logic to handle the case where the asynchronous action finished before your next line of code is executed.


With a Promise, instead of providing a callback function, you have an object (the Promise) that keeps track of the asynchronous event.

These aren't a new concept, and have also been called deferred (in jQuery), future, eventual, delay or task (in .NET). Though there are (sometimes drastic) implementation differences between all of them, they all share the same basic idea.

Promises are now supported natively by all the main browsers, except IE11 (because IE) though it's fairly simple to shim. Because promises are native they are rapidly becoming the standard for any framework that needs an asynchronous pattern.

We can easily rewrite our basic callback based AJAX function using Promises:

/** Simple Promise XMLHttpRequest */
function ajaxPromise(url) {
    // Init a promise with a function that has two function parameters
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
        request.addEventListener('load', function () {
            if (request.status >= 200 &&
                request.status < 300){
                var json = JSON.parse(request.response);
                // Calling resolve completes the promise
        request.addEventListener('error', function () {
            reject(Error('Network')); // For nice stack traces this should be an Error
        request.open('GET', url);

The promise based function is called in a fairly similar way to the callback:

    function(resultData) {
        // Do something on success - inside the promise resolve() has been called
    function(err) {
        // Log an error - inside the promise reject() has been called

So far this doesn't look a whole lot different.

Where this becomes really useful is when you have multiple asynchronous actions. Rather than nest callbacks we can now chain them using then – we don't need to cascade tracking and error logic down the callback functions.

Let's go back to our example from before:

function doTheThing() {
    // AJAX get the list
        .then(function (r) {

            var itemPromises = r.items.map(function(itemid){
                // For each item make a new AJAX promise
                return ajaxPromise('yourApi/getitem/' + itemid);

            // Return this promise once all of the item promises have finished, in any order
            return Promise.all(itemPromises);
        .then(function(retrievedItems) {
            return retrievedItems.sort(comparer);

This is a lot less code, and it's a lot more maintainable – if we want to add another asynchronous action we can just tag on another then. We can easily refactor out one of our bad code smells too:

function doTheThing() {
    // AJAX get the list
    return ajaxPromise('yourApi/getlist')
        .then(function (resultData) {

            var itemPromises = resultData.items.map(function(itemid){
                // For each item make a new AJAX promise
                return ajaxPromise('yourApi/getitem/' + itemid);

            // Return this promise once all of the item promises have finished, in any order
            return Promise.all(itemPromises);
        .then(function(retrievedItems) {
            return retrievedItems.sort(comparer);

// finalCallback no longer needs the deep nesting or additional parameter

Along with Promise we get some really useful utility functions, such as Promise.all, which allows you to wait until all the promises have succeeded and then handle the results (that is always a pain with callbacks).

There are still some weird gotchas, for instance Promise.race – you might assume that returns the first promise to finish, and it does, but it also calls off the entire race if any of the promises fail before there's a winner (I find it helps to think of it as a car race that gets red-flagged if anyone crashes, rather than athletics where someone trips and everyone else finishes). It's also still easy to fail to catch exceptions, as they're just passed along the chain until a then with an error function or a catch is reached.

There's a new fetch API that returns a Promise – really we should use that instead. The syntax is a little different from our XMLHttpRequest function, as fetch makes reading the response body a promise too, which is better for large responses and streams. It's really worthy of its own blog, but it's easy to drop in to replace XMLHttpRequest.

function ajaxPromise(url) {
    return fetch(url, { method: 'GET' }).then(function(r) { 
        if (r.ok)
            return r.json();

        throw new Error(r.statusText);

Most new APIs are using promise-based implementations (like fetchCache APIBattery Status APIBluetooth API, and so on). Older ones still use callbacks, but (as seen above) it's fairly simple to convert a callback into a promise. We saw earlier the fun of callbacks in IndexedDB, and others have already done the hard work of wrapping all that in promises, such as idb.

OK, so promises are great, but you have lots of callback based async actions, and they work fine. Why change to the new pattern? Let's look at what's coming next…


Coming in ES2017 are the async and await language keywords. These keywords are already supported in Chrome. Support in Firefox is coming in v52, due out in March. Support is coming soon in Edge and Safari. They work in node.js 8.0.0 (and >= 7.3.0 with --harmony-async-await). If you need to run on anything other than those both Babel and Typescript can transpile them down for older JS versions.

These are syntactic sugar for Promise functions that make asynchronous actions easy (if you've used them in .NET, where they are syntactic sugar for Task, this should look very similar). Anything you write with Promise today is going to work with async/await as soon as the browsers/stack you use supports them.

  • async marks a function as asynchronous – it will return a Promise that resolves with whatever you return, and rejects if an error is thrown. If async are nested then the await only returns the closest one.
  • await tells the function to return the Promise here, and continue the rest of this function in the .then() (when the Promise resolves). You can await any function that's marked as async or that returns a Promise (in fact, you almost always should await anything that you can). Multiple (or branched) await can apply in a single async, in a similar way to how promises can be chained.

So how does our AJAX example look in ES2017?

// The async keyword tells JS that this is going to be awaited
async function doTheThing() {
    try {
        // The await keyword says: come back and resume when .then happens
        // This is similar to return ajaxPromise('yourApi/getlist').then(function(resultData){...
        const resultData = await ajaxPromise('yourApi/getlist');

        // The async keyword can also be on anon functions, but we don't here 
        // because ajaxPromise also returns a promise that we'll await below
        const itemPromises = resultData.items.map(itemid => ajaxPromise('yourApi/getitem/' + itemid));

        // Now wait for all the item promises to finish
        // This is similar to return Promise.all(itemPromises).then(function(retrievedItems){...
        const retrievedItems = await Promise.all(itemPromises);

        // We can just return the final instance - async will 'wrap it' in a Promise for us
        return retrievedItems.sort(comparer);
    catch (err) {
        // A regular try catch 

// Promise syntax still works...

// Or, in another async function...
finalCallback(await doTheThing());

This isn't really less code than with promises (yet), but it's a lot clearer. It looks a lot like synchronous actions would; we can even use try-catch for error handling. It easier to write, it's easier to read, it's easier to see what fires when and whether exceptions are caught.

Let's have a go with IndexedDB again, and let's use idb to promisify it:

async function getIndexedDBStore(storeName, write) {
    // idb changes the upgrade signature, for this demo I've just put it inline
    const db = await idb.open('my-cache', 1, db => db.createObjectStore('results', { keyPath: 'id'}));
    const transaction = await db.transaction(storeName, write ? 'readwrite' : 'readonly');
    const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(storeName);
    return objectStore;

async function getCache(id) {
    const objectStore = await getIndexedDBStore('results', false);
    const item = await objectStore.get(id);
    return item;

async function setCache(item) {
    const objectStore = await getIndexedDBStore('results', true);
    await objectStore.put(item);

OK, that was a bit easier. How about plugging it in?

async function doTheThing() {
    try {
        const resultData = await ajaxPromise('yourApi/getlist');

        // We convert an array of IDs into an array of promises waiting for AJAX data
        const itemPromises = resultData.items.map(async itemid => {
            // Try for the IndexedDB cache
            // This await continues the map loop, but not the parent doTheThing - only the closest async applies
            let item = await getCache(itemid);
                return item; // We have it cached

            // Call the service
            // This await resumes the map loop
            item = await ajaxPromise('yourApi/getitem/' + itemid);

            // Fire and forget to save the item
            return item;

        // resultData.items.map isn't async, so the result of the anon function will be a promise
        // We don't want to sort the loop has finished, so we still need Promise.all
        const retrievedItems = await Promise.all(itemPromises);
        return retrievedItems.sort(comparer);
    catch (err) {

That was a lot easier.

So what's the gotcha? There's got to be some downsides, right? Well, once you go async you never go back – functions that call async code tend to need to be async too. Although the async code looks synchronous it's really just wrappers for promises, and underneath it all we're really still just managing all those callbacks.

When a function calls an async then it can:

  • Fire-and-forget (make a request with no callback), like our hacky setCache above – probably best avoided.
  • Be async too and call the nested function with await.
  • Pass the returned promise on up to the caller (in which case the caller now needs to be async too).

That last case is the messiest, but we've already seen it with the map loop – if you don't await an async function then you get a promise:

async function getThing() {
    const thing = await ajaxThing();
    return thing;

// Then
let t = await getThing(); // t will be the thing, once getThing() has finished

let p = getThing(); // p will immediately be a promise, that resolves with the thing once getThing() has finished

// Either of these will get us the thing
p.then(t => /* We have t */);
t = await p;

As long as you understand the underlying promises you shouldn't have too many problems with this, just be careful with try-catch as that only works with await – if you have a promise you'll need a catch(handleErr) in the chain. In our example the fire-and-forget setCache method is outside of the try-catch because it is not awaited – when that method is called the asynchronous process starts, but nothing tracks what happens to it. If we change that line to await setCache(); then errors will be caught, but the Promise.all will take slightly longer.


async/await is an awesome feature in JS, not because it gives us something we couldn't do before, but because it makes it so much easier to do. If you have just one or two asynchronous actions it's probably not going to make a difference, but the chances are that you don't. The modern JS developer will have asynchronous REST services, asynchronous local storage, service workers (with asynchronous fetching and caching), who knows how many new asynchronous APIs?

async/await is the key to making these easy to code.

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