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  • February 25, 2021
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Latest MeetUp: Sydney Tech Battles – Series II: Azure vs AWS (April 12th 2017)


We're Back!

Sydney Tech Battles kicked off last year with Ng2 VS React as the first in a series of head to head battles of tech.

Series II should be just as heated as we cover an issue that is regularly debated when it comes to choosing infrastructure as a service – AWS or AZURE?

At a quick glance, both offerings might look similar on paper, but there are key differences between them that you might not discover until you try them out or talk to someone who has. Luckily, we're bringing in some IT pro users of both platforms to be vocal about their preferences and the pros (and cons) of each.

The two teams will be kicking off their debate at 6.45pm, with pizza coming out at 6pm sharpish so get in early if you don't want to miss out!

We had an amazing show of crowd support and involvement last time, so come down – meet new people and share your thoughts on the tech you support.

PRIZES for the winning team

PIZZA & DRINKS for everyone!

Further details to be announced…

We are currently still open to hearing from companies that are interested in sponsoring and/or hosting this event – so if you'd like to get your employer involved feel free to get in touch!

Free tickets and further details can be reserved here.

Contact us today.