
Do you have the desire to be an effective leader and help others succeed? The skills required to be effective in recruitment are completely different from the skills required to be a great leader.

If you’re looking to go down the leadership route, we offer a comprehensive modular program to help develop mentoring, leadership, and management skills that are useful in life.

At Evolution, we want to help you achieve your potential – whatever that means to you. With a professional coach, you will develop all the skills you need to lead and influence others to maximize their potential.

The path to leadership

Leadership Training Programme

Leadership skills need to be created before they are nurtured. Our Leadership Training Programme is designed to expose and introduce practical skills that are required to be an effective leader.

This programme follows a modular process, slowly introducing the required attributes and skills to be successful.

Ongoing personal coaching

Skills development can only be enhanced effectively by receiving regular and relevant coaching by our team of experienced Trainers/Directors.

Observations, feedback, and action ownership are discussed and agreed to enhance your effectiveness and growth as a recruitment leader.

The rewards

When taking on board a team of eager individuals who want to learn from you, it's like taking on board the same responsibilities as a parent! This, in itself, is incredibly rewarding as you see them grow into competent recruiters.

There are also substantial financial rewards for instigating growth in results.

Success Stories

Matt's Story

Matt Arnold

Matt joined Evolution in February 2020. The sudden realization that he would be learning his new role from the confines of his own home when the global pandemic took hold of the world was pretty humbling.

However, it was here that Matt instantly showed his ability to be proactive, absorb all forms of training and coaching, and also showed his maturity in wanting to display his natural collaborative style as well as proving himself as a recruiter.

After 2 years of consistent success in building his knowledge and his market, Matt decided to go down the People Leader route and attended our in-house Leadership Training Programme to develop his mentoring, leadership, and management skills.

Matt has been able to progress his career to now leading a team of 3 people who are thriving under his influence.

What else is important to you?

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Culture & Environment

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